The Wisconsin Muslim Journal offers a dynamic platform to reach the Muslim community across the state. Businesses can tap our expanding audience with their message at an affordable price. Contact us for more information.

Box Ad Program

Billboard Display Size: 280px x 280px
Box Ads are placed on the first day of each month

Art File Requirement:

900px x 900px (.JPG or .PNG) RGB

• Sidebar and Footer Box Ad spaces placement appear throughout the entire site.
• Masthead Box Ads placement only appears on the main landing page

Rates (per month):

A) $125 – Sidebar: Single Prime (Top)
B) $100 – Sidebar: Single Secondary (Bottom)
C) $75 – Masthead: Tri Slot
D) $65 – Footer: Quarter Slot

All payments are due prior to monthly rotation

Frequency Discounts
6 months = 10% off
12 months = 20% off

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