The American Muslim community is a microcosm of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity. In the U.S., Muslims include people from African American, South Asian, Arab, Southeast Asian, and White backgrounds, among others. Even though this diversity is a strength, it also reveals stern racial disparities in the U.S. The disparities exist in every walk of life such as socio-economic status, experiences of discrimination, and access to opportunities. To tackle these disparities, it is imperative to address systemic inequities within and outside the Muslim community.
According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 1.4% of the total population in the United States are Muslims (about 4.45 million). Of these 4.45 million, 28% identify as White (including Arabs), 28% as Black, 26% as Asian (primarily South Asian), and 10% as Hispanic. Because of this racial diversity, Muslims experience various aspects of what is called American life.
Muslims from every race face discrimination in the U.S., though its impact varies. The 2022 American Muslim Poll by ISPU revealed that 62% of Black Americans experienced racial or religious discrimination. In comparison, 53% of Arab Muslims and 37% of Asian Muslims reported discrimination. This is majorly due to the fact that Black Muslims often face the dual burnt of anti-Black racism and Islamophobia, intensifying their experiences of marginalization.
Economic Disparities
The most experienced disparity among American Muslims is economic inequality. Black American Muslims make up a significant portion of the community but face much higher levels of poverty than other Muslim races. A study in 2012 by Pew Research Center said 44% of Black Muslims reported an annual income of less than $30,000, while, 35% of White Muslims reported the same amount. This gap doesn’t just signify the economic disparity among Muslims but mirrors broader racial wealth disparities in the U.S. They are driven by historical and systemic inequities such as redlining, discrimination in employment, and educational inequalities.
White Muslims live much more comfortably and are economically well off than other races. 31% of White households reported an income exceeding $100,000 annually. They have a higher educational attainment rate as well, with 55% of White Muslims having a college degree. In comparison, only 40% of Black Muslims go on to finish college.
Discrimination in Banking and Financial Services
Financial institutions aren’t exempt from racial disparities either. However, there is a surprising twist in the statistics here as 42% of White Muslims reported facing difficulties while banking. In comparison, 24% of Black Muslims and 14% of Asian Muslims reported issues while banking. This suggests that White Muslims or those with Arab-sounding names may face much more scrutiny than others, probably due to the events of 9/11 and the resulting Islamophobia.
Black Muslims associate their challenges and problems more with anti-Black racism than Islamophobia. Their experiences reflect broader trends in the United States as Black Americans, regardless of their faith, report the same difficulties in acquiring credit, loans, and other financial services.
Mental Health and Social Stigma
Mental health is a huge issue among the American Muslim community, especially due to the systemic racism they had to face post-9/11. Mental health disparities exist within the Muslim community as well, which further highlights the racial inequities. Black Americans face much more stigma than their White counterparts while seeking mental health support.
Journal of Muslim Mental Health published a study in 2020, which said that Black Americans experience higher levels of stress and anxiety due to racial discrimination than their non-Black counterparts. The lack of culturally competent mental health services intensifies these experiences and challenges even more.
Education Disparities
Education is the most important part of society and must be kept safe from all kinds of disparities and racism. Instead, disparities among Muslim Americans are most evident in this critical area. A report by ISPU suggests that 35% of Black Muslims have a high school diploma or less, compared to 14% of White Muslims and 10% of Asian Muslims. This gap in education is one of the main reasons for economic disparities, limiting many Black Muslims to fare better in life.

Educational disparities among races is a serious issue and must be addressed
These disparities have many causes and are deep-rooted within the structure of our societal systems. Underfunded schools in predominantly Black neighborhoods and implicit biases in educational settings are just two of the structural inequities that affect Black Muslim students. This is further intensified by other unique challenges, such as experiencing both anti-Black racism and Islamophobia in schools.
There must be multifaceted and intersectional efforts to address these racial disparities within the American Muslim community. While some advocacy groups like MuslimARC and ISPU have emphasized the need for training in racial equity within Muslim organizations and mosques, structural changes need to be made throughout the institutions. There should be initiatives to increase the representation of Black Muslims in leadership roles. These efforts will ensure that their voices are heard and their needs addressed.