Photos by Mouna Rashid
Front Row, from left to right, current members of Salam School Stars team: Hya Abdeljawad, Farrah Heder, Ola Bahhur, Aamina Farooq, Safa Bahhur, Aseel Ishtaiwi and Jana Ismail. Back row, from left to right, Salam Stars alumni: Kishmala Arshad, Jamila Yusuf, Nadira Ali, Sumaya Abdi, Hooda Hasan, author Hena Khan, coach Kassidi Macak, Jenin Ismail, Jumana Badwan, Esraa Salim and Safiya Schaub. (not pictured Aya Salhab)
Milwaukee Public Library hosted the launch of Hena Khan’s graphic novel loosely based on Salam School Stars girls basketball team from the 2018-19 season. Many current and alumni Salam School students, players, their families, Salam School coaches and staff were there to get a signed copy of the book, We Are Big Time and meet the author.
The event on Sept 15 at MPL’s Centennial Hall was sponsored by Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition, Salam School Athletics, Milwaukee Public Library and Boswell Book Company. On stage, Janan Najeeb, executive director of MMWC guided the conversation between Khan and Salam School head girls basketball coach, Kassidi Macak.

On stage at the Milwaukee Public Library for the author talk of We Are Big Time, (from left to right) Janan Najeeb, executive director of Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition, author Hena Khan and Kassidi Macak, Salam School head girls basketball coach
Safiya Schaub, former Salam Star player and current assistant coach, reflected on how a real life story was adopted and transformed into a book by an award winning children’s author. Other players shared their experience of how their all-Muslim, hijab-wearing basketball team became the inspiration for a graphic novel for teens.
We Are Big Time, written by Hena Khan and illustrated by Safiya Zerrougui, can be purchased at Boswell Book Company, the Islamic Resource Center (IRC) bookstore, Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart, and is available for checkout from the IRC library.
Khan’s other novels Amina’s Voice, Amina’s Song, Drawing Deena, More to the Story, the Zara’s Rules series and picture books Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns, Under My Hijab and It’s Ramadan, Curious George are also available at the IRC to purchase or checkout from the library.

A large group came to meet the author and get their book signed at Centennial Hall in the Milwaukee Public Library.

Salam Star basketball player in the 2018-19 season and current Salam Star coach, Safiya Schaub addressed the large audience and talked about the initial interviews with Khan that inspired the compilation of characters for the book.

Daniel Goldin (left) is the proprietor of Boswell Book Company and co-sponsor of the book event. Hardcover and paperback versions of We Are Big Time are available at Boswell Book Company at 2559 N Downer Ave, Milwaukee.

Khawla Asmar, Salam Elementary School Principal

Othman Atta, executive director of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee