Dr. Najeeb and Dr. Katib from Wisconsin joined the November Medical Mission to Lebanon, organized by the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), to alleviate the suffering of hundreds of Syrian refugees who escaped the nearly decade-long civil war in their homeland.
Photographers travelled with the SAMS volunteers, interviewing members of the medical team, patients, and highlights from the trip. The Wisconsin Muslim Journal edited that footage into a video that features the contributions made by Wisconsin doctors.
“Although I felt compassion and I was happy that I was able to travel and help, I was also overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. I felt a strange attachment to them, not because they were Syrians but because they were human beings; families with children, elderly, disabled, all trying to survive in the most difficult of circumstances, and many had been there for 8 years. At the same time I was thankful to God that I did not have to endure what they did. Every time I saw children, I thought of my own. I was really astonished to see that their faith in God was still strong, they were not angry or hateful due to their circumstances, they were trying to make the best out of their situation and trying to improve it. They were so grateful and respectful to us, they took care in trying to come as clean and well groomed as they could, and they put on the best of what clothes they owned just to see us. It amazed me how they wanted to preserve their dignity in whatever they had under their control, that was very humbling.” – Dr. Najeeb
WMJ Series: Medical Mission to Lebanon
- Wisconsin doctors join medical volunteers treating Syrian refugees in Lebanon
- Attacks on health care in Syria add to ongoing social devastation
- After surviving the civil war, Syrian refugees suffer devastating trauma
- Photo Essay: SAMS volunteers bring urgent medical services to war weary
- Video from Lebanon: Wisconsin doctors share their experience helping refugees
- Volunteer medical services provide Syrian refugees with needed chronic care